"The creation of Tardigrade Tactical is a direct response to the experience gained from the Global War On Terror following 9/11, that resulted in a decade's long conflict in the middle east. Serving in the Danish Army, as light reconnaissance and later in the infantry and experiencing first-hand what the operational requirements were in Helmand, Afghanistan, I felt obligated to create better equipment for my fellow soldiers, given my interest and skillset in handcrafting and concept development. Also, back then I needed a hobby…" /Birk Anton Knudsen
Founder of Tardigrade Tactical
Since 2011, when Tardigrade Tactical was founded, Tardigrade Tactical have specialized in the design and manufacturing of tactical equipment for military and law enforcement personnel primarily in Scandinavia, but also worldwide. With a high priority of being close to their customers in the product development process. The design and manufacture processes are done in Tardigrade Tactical facilities to maintain the highest level of control over as much of the supply chain as possible, making Tardigrade Tactical resilient to external factors.